N. Y. Yang Wedding Song -- Broad translation Both of you are the best of my friends. As if it is any other day or times, we would not need a table. Tables have it a place to live in, but tonight we need a table to seek for help, a table it have four legs stay righteously. As if it is any other night we would not need table to help, it has a place to hide, but tonight we need table to help, a table has four legs to stand on, we ask our parents of the daughter to give provide a table. The table will have four legs and four hands to hold the bride and groom forty cups of wine. The table have four legs on the bottom but on top there is a place to hold four cups for us to share bitter wine for the happiness. As the table has four leg to stand on, atop it has a place for us to place the hand, on the table it has a place to hold a good cup of spirit water, the water is the happiness. We ask the good friend to know what it is on the table, and please let our request be fulfilled at this point.